1) Amabnews will do its excellent to provide precise information in every aspect of their content. We take a variety of measures to warrant the accuracy of our information: we research claims with skepticism; ask questions about assumptions and question the conventional beliefs.

2) We will strive to complete the highest accuracy in every output. This commitment is essential to our credibility and to the trust of viewers. “Due” means that the accuracy should be appropriate and in line with the content, while taking into account of the topic and the characteristics of the material and clearly stating any limitations that could affect the expectation.

3)This means that all of our output, in accordance with its material and purpose, should be well-sourced, based upon the evidence available, and backed by research. We try to be honest and transparent about things we don’t know, and stay clear of false speculation.

4) Our reporters never copy intentionally or deform details or context, such as visual information knowingly.

5) We require independent verification from reliable sources to verify claims, information or allegations, particularly the claims that are made by public officials or those who has a motive other than providing the truth. The claims, allegations, the material information and other material that are not verified is usually attributed.

6) Amabnews is adamant about the information that it releases and believes it to be true. If it’s proven otherwise, we will modify the information/news item as soon as we can. We don’t knowingly and deliberately mislead our viewers. We don’t distort the facts or present fake content as factual information, which could undermine our viewers’ faith on our material. We recognize serious errors in factual accuracy and fix them promptly with clarity and sensitivity.

(7) We focus on providing an opportunity for people to submit any errors or inaccuracies within our reporting via the “Suggest a Correction” that is included at the end of each web-story published.

8) The journalists’ main job is to write, report and fact-checking the stories. Stories are reviewed by editors or a few. The Amabnews offers a multi-level fact checking procedure for stories that require due diligence. The level of seniority of editors who examine stories prior to publication is based on a variety of elements that include the complexity, sensitivity, as well as the demands of time.

Our Correction Policies

Although the Amabnews.com constantly strives for perfection as well as accuracy, we acknowledge the possibility that we may occasionally make mistakes. If such errors occur, the Amabnews.com will be responsible to correct the mistake and will ensure the highest level of transparency to assure that the wrong information does not get out there.

These are the steps each participant must take to attain the objectives of precision as well as transparency

If a reader notices an error, he/she can contact the editor-in-chief, Hamza Chaudhary immediately via email, phone or mail, or by meeting in person.

Email: [email protected]

Sub: Correction Needed

Corrections are not official until the reader communicates with the editor-in-chief directly. Corrections made to others Amabnews.com staff members might not be handled promptly or even at all.

If emailed or postal mail, corrections must include the correction’s date of publication or the number of the correction, and where it was made (in print or online.) the reader’s name as well as an email or phone address that they can reached. Readers should also include exact information, as well as the source of the information and, if appropriate. For instance, if the Student Senate vote tally was not correct Please focus on providing the minutes of the meeting.

The user can anticipate to hear from the editor-in-chief and can be contacted in the future in the event of a clarification or the editor requires more details. Note that a correction request can assurance of the fact that it will be looked into, but it is not a guarantee of an error will be corrected.

THE Amabnews.com:
When the editor-in-chief becomes aware of the error, he is required to investigate the error with the information supplied by the reader, meeting minutes, recordings of the reporter and other information sources available to him or her.

When an inaccuracy is discovered, the editor will correct the error in all forms to show that the information was not properly distributed:

Corrections will appear on page 2A of the following issue. Corrections will indicate the article, issue and the incorrect information in addition to the correction.

It will then be updated as well as an editorial note added at the at the bottom of the article indicating the errors and the time the article was revised.

In the event that an article has been published in Facebook, Twitter or any other website that is controlled by The Amabnews.com, the post will be created that links to the article and mentioning the correction.

After the correction has been made, the editor-in-chief will reach out to the person who made the correction and inform them of what steps were used to correct the error.